

Soil Stabilization Group



  1. 地盤改良に関する研究
    1. 新技術や新工法の開発
    2. 固化処理土の長期安定性などの物性把握
  2. 岸壁や防波堤、護岸などの沿岸構造物に関する研究
    1. 地震、津波、高波、大きな荷重などの外力による沿岸構造物の動き
    2. 遠心模型実験や数値解析による沿岸構造物の動きの再現
  3. 波と地盤の複合現象に関する研究
    1. 波による地盤構造物の変形や破壊の把握
    2. 洗掘などのミクロな観点での地盤挙動の把握


  1. H. Takahashi, L. Zdravković, A. Tsiampousi, N. Mori (2022) Destabilisation of Seawall Ground by Ocean Waves, Geotechnique  URL/Link


  2. H. Takahashi, S. Omori, H. Asada, H. Fukawa, Y. Gotoh, Y. Morikawa (2021) Mechanical properties of cement-treated soil mixed with cellulose nanofibre, Applied Sciences  URL/Link


  3. H. Takahashi (2021) Stability of composite-type breakwaters reinforced by rubble embankment, Soils and Foundations  URL/Link


  4. H. Takahashi, N. Fujii, S. Sassa (2020) Centrifuge model tests of earthquake-induced submarine landslide, International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics  URL/Link


  5. H. Takahashi, Y. Morikawa, N. Mori, T. Yasuda (2019) Collapse of concrete-covered levee under composite effect of overflow and seepage, Soils and Foundations  URL/Link


  6. H. Takahashi, Y. Morikawa, H. Kashima (2019) Centrifuge modelling of breaking waves and seashore ground, International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics  URL/Link


  7. H. Takahashi, N. Fujii, Y. Morikawa, D. Takano (2019) Development of Hydro-Geotechnical Centrifuge PARI Mark II-R, Technical Note of the Port and Airport Research Institute  URL/Link


  8. H. Takahashi, Y. Morikawa, N. Fujii, M. Kitazume (2018) Thirty-seven-year investigation of quicklime-treated soil produced by deep mixing method, Ground Improvement  URL/Link


  9. H. Takahashi, S. Sassa, Y. Morikawa, D. Takano (2017) Bearing capacity of breakwater mound under tsunami-induced seepage flow, Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls  URL/Link


  10. H. Takahashi, N. Takahashi, Y. Morikawa, I. Towhata, D. Takano (2016) Efficacy of pile-type improvement against lateral flow of liquefied ground, Geotechnique  URL/Link


  11. H. Takahashi, S. Sassa, Y. Morikawa, D. Takano, K. Maruyama (2014) Stability of caisson-type breakwater foundation under tsunami-induced seepage, Soils and Foundations  URL/Link


  12. S. Nishimura, H. Takahashi, Y. Morikawa (2012) Observations of dynamic and non-dynamic interactions between a quay wall and partially stabilised backfill, Soils and Foundations  URL/Link


  13. H. Takahashi, T. Oohashi, H. Endoh (2011) Earthquake damage investigation of gravity-type quay walls in Ibaraki Port, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Engineering Lessons Learned from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake  URL/Link


  14. H. Takahashi, M. Kitazume, T. Noguchi, N. Suzuki (2011) Seismic-resistant effect of cement-treated soil for quay wall, Ground Improvement  URL/Link


  15. S. Nishimura, K. Takehana, Y. Morikawa, H. Takahashi (2011) Experimental study of stress changes due to compaction grouting, Soils and Foundations  URL/Link


  16. P.H. Dong, K. Hayano, Y. Kikuchi, H. Takahashi, Y. Morikawa (2011) Deformation and crushing of particles of cement treat granulate soil, Soils and Foundations  URL/Link


  17. H. Takahashi, Y. Morikawa, E. Ichikawa (2010) Effects of rigid sidewall of specimen container on seismic behaviour, Physical Modelling in Geotechnics  URL/Link


  18. H. Takahashi, M. Kitazume, S. Ishibashi, S. Yamawaki (2006) Evaluating the saturation of model ground by P-wave velocity and modelling of models for a liquefaction study, International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics  URL/Link


  19. H. Takahashi, M. Kitazume, S. Ishibashi (2006) Effect of deep mixing wall spacing on liquefaction mitigation, Proceedings of the International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics


  20. I. Vahaaho, H. Kangas, H. Takahashi, M. Kitazume (2005) Effect of permeability and stiffness of treated column on consolidation phenomenon of improved ground, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering  URL/Link


  21. H. Takahashi, M. Kitazume (2004) Consolidation and permeability characteristics on cement treated clays from laboratory tests, Engineering practice and performance of soft deposits  URL/Link


  1. 高橋英紀, 森川嘉之, 津國正一, 福武毅芳, 鈴木亘, 竹花和浩(2012) 浮き型格子状固化処理工法の液状化地盤への適用性に関する実験的検討, 土木学会論文集B3  URL/Link


  2. 高橋英紀, 生田瑛穂(2012) 新旧港湾設計基準に定義された水平震度の比較検討, 土木学会論文集C  URL/Link


  3. 高橋英紀, 森川嘉之, 篠崎晴彦, 木下洋樹, 丸山憲治(2011) 固結特性を有する鉄鋼スラグを用いた SCP 改良地盤の埋立載荷荷重に対する安定性, 地盤工学ジャーナル  URL/Link


  4. 高橋英紀, 森川嘉之, 市川栄徳, 早野公敏, 大草陽太郎(2010) 貧配合セメント造粒固化土の圧縮特性および支持力特性に関する模型実験, 土木学会論文集C  URL/Link


  5. 高橋英紀, 大草陽太郎, 早野公敏, 森川嘉之(2010) 造粒固化土を埋立材に用いた岸壁の振動模型実験, 地盤工学ジャーナル  URL/Link


  6. 高橋英紀, 小川慧, 早野公敏, 森川嘉之, 二宮裕介(2010) 造粒固化土を利用した人工海浜の波浪安定性に関する遠心模型実験, 海洋開発論文集


  7. 高橋英紀, 北詰昌樹, 中村健, 丸山憲治(2008) SCP改良地盤の極限状態に着目した埋立載荷模型実験, 土木学会論文集C  URL/Link


  8. 高橋英紀, 北詰昌樹, 浦上朋靖, 橋爪秀夫, 田端竹千穂, 森川嘉之(2007) 閉塞した中間砂層を含む粘土地盤における間隙水圧伝播および沈下特性, 土木学会論文集C  URL/Link