Research Subtheme | Type of Research | Items on the Research Agenda ( ☆ indicates special research) |
① Research and development for enhancing the operations of ports, harbors, and airports |
Applied Research | Proposal of evaluation method to estimate the productivity of the container terminal system introduced AI and ICT technology or other method | |
Applied Research | Proposal of planning method for automated container terminal by quantitative numerical simulation | ||
Applied Research | Proposal of new technology for container terminal operations | ||
Development Research |
Development of an underwater positioning system |
Research Subtheme | Type of Research | Items on the Research Agenda ( ☆ indicates special research) |
①Research on technologies for prolonging the life of infrastructure | Applied Research | A study on the effectiveness of the wire mesh an airfield rigid pavement | |
Fundamental Research | Evaluation of longterm durability of concrete, steel and various materials based on exposure test | ||
Fundamental Research | Development of the performance evaluation method in protective coating for marine structures | ||
Fundamental Research | Study on the applicability of sustainable materials under marine environments | ||
Applied Research | ☆ | Study on improvement of productivity of concrete works in port structures | |
②Research on infrastructure inspection and diagnosis techniques |
Applied Research | Study on application of inspection and diagnosis systems for improvement of performance evaluation of marine structures | |
Development Research | Development of adaptive technique for inspection vehicle to disturbance in operation |
Research Subtheme | Type of Research | Items on the Research Agenda ( ☆ indicates special research) |
①Research on techniques to improve or renew existing facilities | Applied Research | Development of quality evaluation method for ground improvement using geophysical exploration | |
Fundamental Research | Study on process leading to rupture of pier structure for high definition of performance regulation | ||
② Research on effective use and techniques of treating construction byproducts |
Applied Research | Effect of defective part of solidified body on its internal stability | |
Fundamental Research | Development of core-less soil investigation and fundamental study to establish Digital Soil Mechanics | ||
Fundamental Research | ☆ | Study on the volume reduction of dredged soil by electro-osmosis dehydration |