

Researcher Position in Soil Stabilization Group,Geotechnical Engineering Division

Position Summary

The institute invites applications for a Postdoctoral Researcher position in Soil Stabilization Group, Geotechnical Engineering Division to begin as soon as possible after 1st April 2025. The employment period is until 31st March 2028 including a trial period for the first month; however, the employment contract must be renewed every year based on the work performance.

The successful candidate will work on a research project to investigate soil behavior through discrete element method simulations and laboratory tests including element tests and model tests.

Application Requirements

Candidates should fulfil / hold the following conditions

  1. A Ph.D. degree
  2. Research achievements in numerical simulations using a discrete element method software
  3. Research achievements in laboratory element tests or model tests using geomaterials
  4. Communication skills in Japanese or English
  5. A peer-reviewed international journal publication
  6. Experience in giving oral presentations at international conferences / symposiums

Application Procedure

Candidates should provide the following:

  1. A curriculum vitae including candidate's photo
  2. A list of publications (including research achievements and experiences listed in "Application Requirements")
  3. A copy of major publications (about three publications)
  4. A research statement that describes past scholarly contributions and future research directions (up to 2 pages)
  5. The names, titles and contact information for 2 professional references
  6. Ph.D. degree certificate

To apply, please submit applications in the following either way:

  1. Mailing the printed documents to Soil Stabilization Group, Port and Airport Research Institute, National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology. On the front side of the envelope, "Application form for Postdoctoral Researcher" should be described in red.
    (Address) 3-1-1, Nagase, Yokosuka city, Kanagawa prefecture, 239-0826, Japan
  2. Sending an email with PDF files of the documents to Dr. Hidenori Takahashi ( The title of the email should be "Application form for Postdoctoral Researcher".

All applications received by 10th January 2025 will receive full consideration.
The candidates who pass the document screening will be interviewed in person or online.


For any questions, please contact by email:

  • ・Dr. Hidenori Takahashi, Soil Stabilization Group, Port and Airport Research Institute, National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology (

Working conditions

  1. (Working place) 3-1-1, Nagase, Yokosuka city, Kanagawa prefecture, 239-0826, Japan
  2. (Basic wage) Based on the institute's labor regulations (as of November 2024)
  3. (Working day) Monday to Friday
  4. (Working time) 8:30 to 17:15 including an hour break at 12:00 to 13:00 in JST. Flextime is admitted.
  5. (Overtime work) Approximately 5 hours per month on average
  6. (Holiday) Saturday, Sunday, National holidays and December 29 to January 3
    Annual paid leave (granted according to the date of hire), other leave
  7. (Allowances) Commuting allowance, overtime allowance, housing allowance
  8. (Measures to prevent passive smoking) No smoking indoors (outside smoking areas)
  9. (Social insurance, etc.) Health insurance by Mutual Aid Association, welfare insurance, employment insurance, industrial accident insurance


Researcher Position in Soil mechanics and geo-environment Group,Geotechnical Engineering Division

Position Summary

The institute invites applications for a researcher position in Soil mechanics and geo-environment group, Geotechnical Engineering Division to begin as soon as possible after 1st April 2025. The employment period is until 31st March 2028 including a trial period for the first month; however, the employment contract must be renewed every year based on the work performance.

The successful candidate will work on a research project to investigate chemical grouting using electroosmosis and evaluation method of ground improvement effect through laboratory tests, field tests, numerical analysis and so on. On working on the research project, it's required to manipulate some test apparatus and to analyze soil-pile behavior using numerical analysis.

Minimum Qualifications

A Ph.D. degree in civil engineering or earthquake engineering relevant to the field of geotechnical engineering

Relevant/Preferred Qualifications, Preferred Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities

  1. A practical experience of soil test and numerical analysis
  2. An ability to disseminate research outcomes
  3. A communication skill though Japanese or English

Application Procedure

Candidates should provide the following:

  1. A cover letter
  2. A curriculum vitae including candidate's photo
  3. A list of publications
  4. A copy of three major publications
  5. A research statement that describes past scholarly contributions and future research directions (up to 2 pages)
  6. The names, titles and contact information for 2 professional references.
  7. Ph.D. degree certificate

To apply, please submit applications in the following either way:

  1. Mailing the printed documents to Yuri Sugiyama, Dr. [she/her], Soil mechanics and geo-environment group, Port and Airport Research Institute, National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology
    (Zipcode) 239-0826
    (Address) 3-1-1, Nagase, Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan
  2. Sending an email with PDF files of the documents to Yuri Sugiyama, Dr., Soil mechanics and geo-environment Group (

All applications received by 17 January, 2025 will receive full consideration.
The candidates who pass the document screening will be interviewed in person or online.

Working conditions

  1. (Working place) 3-1-1, Nagase, Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan
  2. (Basic wage) Based on the institute's labor regulations
  3. (Working day) Monday to Friday
  4. (Working time) 8:30 to 17:15 including an hour break at 12:00 to 13:00 in JST. Flextime is also admitted.
  5. (Overtime work) Approximately 5 hours per month on average
  6. (Holiday) Saturday, Sunday, National holidays and December 29 to January 3
  7. (Allowances) Commuting allowance, overtime allowance, housing allowance
  8. (Measures to prevent passive smoking) No smoking indoors (outside smoking areas)
  9. (Social insurance, etc.) Health insurance by Mutual Aid Association, welfare insurance, employment insurance, industrial accident insurance
