Mid- and Long-Term Plans (FY 2016 to FY 2022)


The MLIT sets mid- and long-term goals. In response to such goals, MPAT sets mid- and long-term plans to achieve the goals. Among such plans, important points in maximizing research and development results and improving the quality of other projects are outlined below.

1.Promotion of multidisciplinary research and other activities

MPAT will efficiently and effectively implement multidisciplinary research spanning research fields of the three pre-integration institutions to contribute to putting the following policies into practice: promotion of ocean utilization, enforcement of international industrial competitiveness, and other policies.

2.Research and development of technologies associated with ports, water ways, coasts, and airports and other activities

MPAT will focus on the research and development challenges detailed in the following pages, to devise the following MLIT-recommended initiatives: disaster-prevention and disaster-reduction countermeasures for port and airport facilities; countermeasures for facility obsolescence of existing structures; and initiatives to create maritime-development hubs.

Among basic research, MPAT also actively engages in research to understand the mechanisms of ocean waves and beach transformation and principles and phenomena regarding the dynamic behavior of the ground and structures.

MPAT also uses its foresight and flexibility to accurately address emerging research which might lead to new research results.

3.Returning benefits from research and development results to society

MPAT will try to resolve technological policy challenges, to address disasters and accidents, to enforce bridging functions, to promote and utilize intellectual property right, and to enhance the transmission of information and publication.

4.Promotion of strategic international activities

MPAT will contribute to international standardization and cooperate with overseas institutions.