The fundamental research of waves, beaches, ground, earthquakes, environments, etc., is the basis of every study conducted by PARI, and therefore we are actively working on clarifying principles and phenomena, such as the mechanisms of natural phenomena and dynamic behavior of the ground and structures.
Case # | Research theme (Fundamental research) | link |
1 | Strong motion earthquake observation in port and airport area | |
2 | Investigation of earthquake disaster | |
3 | Development of estimation method for near-fault strong ground motions | |
4 | Development of a new method for predicting liquefaction-induced ground subsidence and flow | Find out more |
5 | Evaluation of the deformation and fracture characteristics of coastal soil structures in relation to waves and flows, and development of reinforcement technology | |
6 | Development of the estimation method for local scour around coastal structures due to tsunami | Find out more |
7 | Elucidation of oceanographic phenomena based on central processing and analysis of observation data | |
8 | Identification of issues and improvement of wave estimation methods applicable to Japan's coastal areas | Find out more |
9 | Evaluation of longterm durability of concrete, steel and various materials based on exposure test | |
10 | Development of the performance evaluation method in protective coating for marine structures | Find out more |
11 | Evaluation of applicability of sustainable materials in the marine environment | |
12 | Study on application of inspection and diagnosis systems for improvement of performance evaluation of marine structures | |
13 | Study on process leading to rupture of pier structure for high definition of performance regulation | Find out more |
14 | Basic research to develop coreless ground survey methods and establish digital geotechnical engineering | |
15 | Development of analytical methods for the topographic dynamics of carbonate islands | |
16 | Elucidation of the horizontal resistance characteristics of pile foundations for offshore wind power plants under various fluctuating loads | |
17 | Evaluation of the mechanical properties and durability of infrastructure materials in the deep sea | |
18 | Validation of the newly developed global dynamic model for the projection of atmospheric CO2 uptake rate and inundation control in shallow coastal ecosystems | |
19 | Cross-sectional observation and analysis of atmospheric and oceanographic issues at bay mouths | |
20 | Numerical study on responses of aquatic ecosystem to an environmental change | Find out more |
21 | Development of the methods for increasing ecosystem functions in eelgrass meadow | |
22 | Observation of coastal phenomena at HORS and development of numerical simulation of topography change for port and surrounding beaches | |
23 | Developing future projection model of coastal change in the context of climate change | |
24 | Development of sediment transport control method to minimize harbor siltation | Find out more |