Major Research Study on process leading to rupture of pier structure for high definition of performance regulation

As it is difficult to define detailed performance requirements for any given port facility in a necessary and sufficient manner in relation to the actual performance requirements for use, the current practice of facility design in the field is not yet sufficient to allow the structural components of each pier being built to perform to their maximum potential. To accurately assess the actual usability and repairability of a pier, it is necessary to observe it after its components have failed so that the rupturing process that affected the entire pier structure can be understood in detail, including its behavior following plasticization. To address all these points, we are closely observing the rupturing process of entire pier structures in detail, accurately evaluating the resistance behavior of the pier piles and joint sections following plasticization, and exploring methods of controlling the rupturing process affecting the entire pier structures.
For our FY2020 activities, we numerically analyzed the result of the model experiments conducted in the previous year and attempted to elucidate the rupturing behavior. In addition, we conducted new model experiments to observe the process through which the joint sections of pier superstructures and steel piles would become damaged.


Conceptual illustration of our model experiment for observing the behavior of pile heads following plasticization