Research Subtheme | Type of Research | Items on the Research Agenda ( ☆ indicates special research) |
Fundamental Research | Strong Motion Earthquake Observation in Port and Airport Area (2A-2) |
Fundamental Research | Investigation of Earthquake Disaster (2A-2) |
Fundamental Research | Development of strong motion estimation method for scenario earthquakes beneath metropolitan area | ||
Fundamental Research | Study on the evaluation and analysis of liquefied ground behavior and effective contermeasures under sequenced earthquake motions | ||
Applied Research | The diagnosis and countermeasure technique development related to disaster prevention improvement of industry complex consisting of a wide variety of facilities | |
Applied Research | Development of method to seismic peformance evaluation for offshore structure against the largest earthquake motions | ||
Fundamental Research | Seabed Soil Dynamics and Stability Assessment of Breakwaters and Seawalls | |
Fundamental Research | Study from geotechnical view-point on stability evaluation method of coastal structure subjected to high waves (1C-2) |
Research Subtheme | Type of Research | Items on the Research Agenda ( ☆ indicates special research) |
Development Research | Development of a tsunami-fire model for ports | |
Development Research | Development of multi-observation based tsunami forecasting method | ||
Applied Research | Development of an advanced 3-dimentional simulation model for tsunami inundation | |
Fundamental Research | Development of the estimation method for local scour around coastal structures due to tsunami |
Research Subtheme | Type of Research | Items on the Research Agenda ( ☆ indicates special research) |
Fundamental Research | Elucidation of oceanographic phenomena based on central processing and analysis of observation data | |
Applied Research | A study of seasonal and regional statistics on swell observed in Japanese coast | ||
Development Research | Development of a harbor tranquility analysis method for local wind waves and ship waves in a harbor | ||
Fundamental Research | Proposal for improvement of prediction accuracy of swell | ||
Applied Research | Estimation of wave transformation around demaged structures to evaluate remaining performance for sheltering | ||
Fundamental Research | ☆ | Development of the maritime and environmental simulation model using meso-scale weather forcasting model | |
Applied Research | A study on the wave force, overtopping, and overflow of wind waves on tsunamis and storm surges over design water level (1B-2) |