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Flow Development between Two Parallel Moving Plates

Publication year Port and Airport Research Institute Technical Note 0304 1978.09
Author(s) Hideyuki SHOJI
Machinery Division Senior Research Engineer
Executive Summary

This paper investigates flow development between disc rotators which are used to collect floating rubbish on a sea surface. The disc rotators are replaced by two parallel moving plates for a numerical analysis. Flow development between these weo paralled plates is assumed two dimensional laminar flow. An itrative difference method is employed to obtain numerical solutions. The numerical solution for Plane Poiseulli flow shows that the itrative method leads to a better solution in comparison to Schlichting's method, Bodoia-Osterle's linear difference method and Kitani et.al's result.
 Flow development between two parallel moving plates is investigated. The inlet length, the additional pressure decay and the additional energy loss are calculated.
 Flow development in Couett's flow is investigated. Flow characteristics are presented.

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