April 22, 2021
Nominations for "Hamaguchi Award" for individuals and/or organizations that have made significant contributions to the enhancement of coastal resilience against tsunami, storm surge and other coastal disasters, have been started from today until May 31, 2021.
"Hamaguchi Award" is an international award for individuals and/or organizations that have made significant scientific or pragmatic contributions to the enhancement of coastal resilience against tsunami, storm surge and other coastal disasters, which will raise people's awareness of disaster resilience. The award was established in 2016 by the International Promotion Committee for Tsunami/Coastal Disaster Resilience Technology due to the designation of November 5th as "World Tsunami Awareness Day" on the United Nations General Assembly(UNGA) in December 2015. November 5th was set as Tsunami Prevention Day in Japan before the UNGA designation. The award is named after Mr. Hamaguchi Goryo who protected and saved villagers from a tsunami about 160 years ago.
Who is Hamaguchi Goryo?
Hamaguchi Goryo was born on a little village where currently is Hirogawa town, Wakayama Prefecture. When the large tsunami resulting from the Ansei Nankai Earthquake of 1854 struck the village, he guided his fellow villagers to evacuate to higher ground by setting fire to his precious sheaves of rice, his whole year's harvest, as a signal of warning. His post-disaster contributions such as building shelters for victims and breakwater appartenly minimized post-tsunami damage.
The award is given to individuals and/or organizations that have made significant contributions to the enhancement of coastal resilience against tsunami, storm surge and other coastal disasters.
*For application, it is necessary to submit a Nomination Form written by recommender.
Friday, April 23, 2021
Official start of the Hamaguchi Award
Monday, May 31, 2021
Final deadline for submissions
*both airmails and e-mails must be accepted by the due date
June - July 2021
Selection of Awardees
July 2021
Finalizing Awardees
In October or early November 2021
2021 Award Ceremony & Commemorative Lectures of Hamaguchi Award(TBD)
Please check attached documents for details.
For information written in Japanese, please visit the URL below.
Japanese (/event/seminar/hamaguchi_award/)
[Attached Documents]
[Contact Information]
International Promotion Committee for Tsunami/Coastal Disaster Resilience Technology
Port and Airport Research Institute (PARI)
National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology (MPAT)
Kenichiro SHIMOSAKO, Hiroyuki KIKUCHI
TEL: +81-46-844-5036, 5040(Direct Phone) FAX: +81-46-844-5072