PARI Events Institute Facility Open to the Public
FY 2021
Open to the Public
The FY2021 facility open house event has been cancelled due to the expansion status of the COVID-19. Instead, videos were posted on the National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology (MPAT) website as a virtual open house, and also an online open experiment was conducted on February 15,2022 (involving recreation of quay-wall-overtopping waves and inundation resulting from high waves during storm surges). This open experiment, the first of its kind offered by PARI, was attended by 288 individuals, many of whom were elementary school students and others affiliated with educational institutions.

FY 2020
Open to the Public
The FY 2020 event has been cancelled due to prevent spreading of the COVID-19, and difficulty of ensuring a safe environment for participants. Due to lose opportunity to learn about the institute by the cancellation of opening to the public access to the facility, we have established a new Virtual Public Access page on our HP.
Photos from past public events