In order to further improve the quality and efficiency of our research,we have been actively promoting collaboration with domestic and overseas research institutions, and as of FY2021, we have concluded a total of 56 research cooperation agreements: 29 in Japan and 27 overseas.
In order to further improve the quality and efficiency of our research, we have been actively promoting collaboration with domestic and oveseas research institutions, and as of FY2020, we have concluded a total of 40 research cooperation agreements: 13 in Japan and 27 overseas. In FY2020, we concluded a cooperative agreement with Singapore University for the digital twin of container terminals newly.
To improve the quality and efficiency of research, we actively collaborated on research with domestic and overseas research institutes and signed a total of 39 research cooperation agreements with 13 Japanese and 26 overseas institutes as of FY 2019. Also during FY 2019, PARI extended the research cooperation agreement it had executed with the French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, Development and Networks (IFSTTAR) in order to continue with the mutual technical cooperation between the parties in geotechnology and civil engineering.
To improve the quality and efficiency of research, we actively collaborated on research with domestic and overseas research instituties and signed a total of 39 research cooperation agreements with 12 Japanese and 27 overseas institutes as of FY 2018. During FY 2018, PARI executed research cooperation agreements with the International Partnership for Blue Carbon (secretariat: the Government of Australia), the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, etc.
To improve the quality and efficiency of research, we actively collaborated on research with domestic and overseas research institutions and signed a total of 35 research cooperation agreements with 9 Japanese and 26 overseas institutions as of FY 2017. In FY 2017, we renewed research cooperation agreement with the Swedish Geotechnical Institute (SGI).
Also, to facilitate emergency disaster countermeasures and smooth activities, we signed a cooperation agreement with the National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism on March 30, 2018.
We aim to improve the quality and efficiency of research through actively promoting joint research among Japanese and non-Japanese research institutions. Toward these goals, we concluded a total of 35 research cooperation agreements with 9 Japanese and 26 overseas institutions between FY 2003 and FY 2016. In FY 2016, we concluded a cooperation agreement with the Ministry of Transport's Waterborne Transport Institute (WTI) of China and Jadavpur University of India. Regarding the collaborative study agreement concluded with Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi of Indonesia (BPPT) in FY 2015, the agreement stipulates not only the exchange of researchers but also implementation of collaborative studies on ports and coasts in Indonesia, mainly regarding siltation and drift sand. In February 2017, PARI researchers conducted onsite surveys of geomorphological changes and shippingroute burial in Indonesian coasts.
Regarding research exchanges within Japan, in September 2016, based on an agreement on research collaboration, PARI and the University of the Ryukyus held a special lecture on the characteristics and challenges of recent destructive earthquakes and giant tsunamis and a briefing session on several studies conducted under severe environments including in Okinawa, which was attended by 142 people.