In FY 2021, PARI conducted on-site surveys in the Izusan area of Atami City in July in response to the disaster caused by debris flows, in conjunction with the MLIT's Ports and Harbours Bureau, etc. In addition, PARI continuously contributed to disaster recovery efforts based on the needs of affected areas by swiftly dispatching its researchers to the disaster sites. Examples of such dispatches include on-site investigation of the drifting pumice that resulted from the eruption of the submarine volcano Fukutoku-Okanoba in November (Okinawa Prefecture) and port disaster assessment following the earthquakes that occurred off the coast of Fukushima Prefecture in March 2022 (Fukushima Prefecture and Miyagi Prefecture), as part of the joint investigation teams organized with the National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management (NILIM).
On-site investigation of drifting pumice
Disaster assessment at Soma Port
A total of 164 researchers were dispatched to serve as members of various technical committees held by the national and local governments to solve technical problems related to the implementation of public works such as ports, coasts, and airports. In addition, if we include the technical committees established by various institutions for port, coastal and airport development and airport maintenance, we have dispatched a total of 410 members, who have responded energetically to solve technical problems faced by the government and other organizations.
With regard to technical standards for port facilities, we have cooperated by participating as a member of committees established by the Port and Harbor Bureaus of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. We also cooperated in the dissemination of technical standards at workshops held by the National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, academic societies, and related organizations. As for airport facilities, we cooperated with various study committees for the smooth dissemination and operation of technical standards for airport civil engineering facilities.
At the request of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (including regional development bureaus, etc.), we dispatched researchers to the "Evaluation Council for New Technologies" established by each organization to evaluate the applicability of technologies registered in the "New Technology Application System for Public Works, etc. (commonly known as NETIS)" to the field in order to promote the use of useful new technologies, and provided technical support.
The Fukushima earthquake that occurred on February 13, 2021 caused damage to the port of Soma, and the institute dispatched four members to the site as a joint investigation team with the National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management (NILIM).
Damage investigation at Soma Port
A total of 125 researchers were dispatched to serve as members of various technical committees held by the national and local governments to solve technical problems related to the implementation of public works such as ports, coasts, and airports. In addition, if we include the technical committees established by various institutions for port, coastal and airport development and airport maintenance, we have dispatched a total of 410 members, who have responded energetically to solve technical problems faced by the government and other organizations.
With regard to technical standards for port facilities, we have cooperated by participating as a member of committees established by the Port and Harbor Bureaus of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. We also cooperated in the dissemination of technical standards at workshops held by the National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, academic societies, and related organizations. As for airport facilities, we cooperated with various study committees for the smooth dissemination and operation of technical standards for airport civil engineering facilities.
At the request of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (including regional development bureaus, etc.), we dispatched researchers to the "Evaluation Council for New Technologies" established by each organization to evaluate the applicability of technologies registered in the "New Technology Application System for Public Works, etc. (commonly known as NETIS)" to the field in order to promote the use of useful new technologies, and provided technical support.
As record rainfall occurred on August 28, 2019 mainly affecting Northern Kyushu and caused damage to bulkheads on the coast around Shimonoseki Port in the Sanyo region, PARI dispatched four researchers, etc. (two of whom were PARI employees) to Shimonoseki Port, jointly with the Ports and Harbours Bureau, MLIT and the National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management (Yokosuka), to investigate the details of the damage caused by the disaster. In addition, the violent winds caused by Typhoon Faxai that passed over Japan on September 9, 2019 caused a ship to collide into Hama Road in Minami-Honmoku pier of Yokohama Port, and also the storm surge driven by the same typhoon caused damage to the bulkheads on the pier there, so PARI dispatched seven researchers to the site to investigate the damage to the bulkheads. Furthermore, as Typhoon Hagibis made landfall on the Izu Peninsula on October 12, 2019, and the storm surge driven by this large and strong typhoon caused damage to the bulkheads in the Kanazawa area of Yokohama Port, PARI sent four of its researchers to the site for investigation.
We dispatched a total of 131 researchers to various technical committees organized by governments and other organizations to solve technical issues concerning the execution of port, coastal, and airport public works by national and municipal governments and local administrations. Including technical committees on improving ports, coasts and airports established by various institutions, a total of 316 researchers were dispatched by PARI, and actively tackled technical issues faced by governments and other organizations.
Training courses for national and other public service engineers are held by NILIM. We actively participate from the planning stage and have dispatched a total of 34 researchers to 15 training courses as lecturers.
Regarding technical standards for port facilities, our researchers took part in technical committees set up by the Ports and Harbours Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. Our researchers also gave lectures at NILIM, conferences, and seminars organized by other relevant organizations, and contributed to the spread of technical standards. Regarding airport facilities, our researchers participated in various investigative commissions in preparation for the smooth introduction and operation of technical standards for airport civil engineering facilities.
In response to a request of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (including regional development bureaus), PARI offered technical support by dispatching researchers to the New Technology Utilization Evaluation Conference established by each organization for evaluating the practicality and applicability of the technologies to be registered in the New Technology Information System (NETIS) in order to promote the application of useful new technologies.
In order to investigate the status of the damage caused by storm surges during Typhoon Jebi on September 4, 2018, PARI, in conjunction with the National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management (NILIM) Yokosuka branch, dispatched four researchers (including two from PARI) to Wakayama-Shimotsu Port and two researchers (including one from PARI) to Amagasaki-Nishinomiya-Ashiya Port. In addition, PARI, in conjunction with NILIM Yokosuka branch, sent four experts (including three from PARI) to Tomakomai Port to investigate the status of damage caused by the major earthquake that occurred on September 6, 2018, an epicenter of which was located in the central and eastern Iburi region in Hokkaido. Furthermore, 2018 Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami struck in Central Sulawesi Island, Indonesia on September 28, 2018 caused enormous damage due to liquefaction-induced tsunamis. As the government of Indonesia requested JICA to help developing a master plan for post-disaster recovery, PARI dispatched two researchers as part of the investigation team to conduct a field survey on the disaster area so that the plan would be completed based on the survey.
Investigation of the status of damage at Tomakomai Port
We dispatched a total of 40 researchers to various technical committees organized by governments and other organizations to solve technical issues concerning the execution of port, coastal, and airport public works by national and municipal governments and local administrations. Including technical committees on improving ports, coasts and airports established by various institutions, a total of 307 researchers were dispatched by PARI, and actively tackled technical issues faced by governments and other organizations.
Training courses for national and other public service engineers are held by NILIM. We actively participate from the planning stage and have dispatched a total of 35 researchers to 12 training courses as lecturers.
Regarding technical standards for port facilities, our researchers took part in technical committees set up by the Ports and Harbours Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. Our researchers also gave lectures at NILIM, conferences, and seminars organized by other relevant organizations, and contributed to the spread of technical standards. Regarding airport facilities, our researchers participated in various investigative commissions in preparation for the smooth introduction and operation of technical standards for airport civil engineering facilities.
In response to a request of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (including regional development bureaus), PARI offered technical support by dispatching researchers to the New Technology Utilization Evaluation Conference established by each organization for evaluating the practicality and applicability of the technologies to be registered in the New Technology Information System (NETIS) in order to promote the application of useful new technologies.
On April 14, 2017, a sediment collapse accident caused tremendous damage at a waste disposal site in Colombo, Sri Lanka. PARI dispatched two researchers as members of an expert team of the Japan Disaster Relief Team to help investigate the cause, prevent secondary disasters, speed up restoration, and other initiatives.
On March 30, 2018, we signed a cooperation agreement to strengthen various collaboration initiatives with the National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (Yokosuka) in dispatching the Technical Emergency Control Force(TEC-FORCE).
Concluded a collaboration agreement with the National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management (March 30, 2018)
We dispatched a total of 55 researchers to various technical committees organized by governments and other organizations to solve technical issues concerning the execution of port, coastal, and airport public works by national and municipal governments and local administrations. Including technical committees on improving ports, coasts and airports established by various institutions, a total of 360 researchers were dispatched by PARI, and actively tackled technical issues faced by governments and other organizations.
Training courses for national and other public service engineers are held by the National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management. We actively participate from the planning stage and have dispatched a total of 23 researchers to 2 training courses as lecturers.
Regarding technical standards for port facilities, our researchers took part in technical committees set up by the Ports and Harbours Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. Our researchers also gave lectures at the National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, conferences, and seminars organized by other relevant organizations, and contributed to the spread of technical standards. Regarding airport facilities, our researchers participated in various investigative commissions in preparation for the smooth introduction and operation of technical standards for airport civil engineering facilities.
In response to a request of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (including regional development bureaus), PARI offered technical support by dispatching researchers to the New Technology Utilization Evaluation Conference established by each organization for evaluating the practicality and applicability of the technologies to be registered in the New Technology Information System (NETIS) in order to promote the application of useful new technologies.
In Kumamoto, magnitude-7 earthquakes were recorded on April 14 and 16, 2016, causing severe damage to transportation infrastructure including ports, airports, roads, and railways. From the day after the earthquake, PARI dispatched investigative teams to the damaged areas to assess the state of damage to port and airport facilities and to provide technical assistance, thus contributing to early restoration.
We dispatched a total of 196 researchers to various technical committees organized by governments and other organizations to solve technical issues concerning the execution of port, coastal, and airport public works by national and municipal governments and local administrations. Including technical committees on improving ports, coasts and airports established by various institutions, a total of 390 researchers were dispatched by PARI, and actively tackled technical issues faced by governments and other organizations.
Training courses for national and other public service engineers are held by the National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management. We actively participate from the planning stage and have dispatched a total of 38 researchers to 14 training courses as lecturers.
Regarding technical standards for port facilities, our researchers in FY 2016 once again took part in technical committees set up by the Ports and Harbours Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. Our researchers also gave lectures at the National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, conferences, and seminars organized by other relevant organizations, and contributed to the spread of technical standards. Regarding airport facilities, our researchers participated in various investigative commissions in preparation for the smooth introduction and operation of technical standards for airport civil engineering facilities.
In FY 2016, in response to a request of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (including regional development bureaus), PARI continued to offer technical support by dispatching researchers to the New Technology Utilization Evaluation Conference established by each organization for evaluating the practicality and applicability of the technologies to be registered in the New Technology Information System (NETIS) in order to promote the application of useful new technologies.