The fundamental research of waves, beaches, ground, earthquakes, environments, etc., is the basis of every study conducted by PARI, and therefore we are actively working on clarifying principles and phenomena, such as the mechanisms of natural phenomena and dynamic behavior of the ground and structures.
Case # | Research Theme | link |
1 | Strong Motion Earthquake Observation in Port and Airport Area | |
2 | Investigation of Earthquake Disaster | |
3 | Development of strong motion estimation method for scenario earthquakes beneath metropolitan area | Find out more |
4 | Study on the evaluation and analysis of liquefied ground behavior and effective contermeasures under sequenced earthquake motions | |
5 | Study from geotechnical view-point on stability evaluation method of coastal structure subjected to high waves | |
6 | Stability evaluation of offshore structures against washout, cavity formation, etc. and development of countermeasure techniques | |
7 | Development of the estimation method for local scour around coastal structures due to tsunami | Find out more |
8 | Application of the particle method to the large deformation of port structures due to tsunami | |
9 | Elucidation of oceanographic phenomena based on central processing and analysis of observation data | |
10 | Proposal for improvement of prediction accuracy of swell | Find out more |
11 | Assessment of possible maximum storm surge hazard by using storm-surge-wave coupled model | |
12 | Evaluation of longterm durability of concrete, steel and various materials based on exposure test | |
13 | Development of the performance evaluation method in protective coating for marine structures | Find out more |
14 | Evaluation of the durability of various materials under severe environments | |
15 | Improvement method to non-uniform ground and its effect as a measure against liquefaction | |
16 | Enhancement of accuracy of method for evaluating mechanical properties of composite geomaterials based on microstructural feature | Find out more |
17 | Study on floating breakwater equipped with wave power generation device | |
18 | Development of analytical methods for the topographic dynamics of carbonate islands | Find out more |
19 | Global estimates of the efficacy of blue carbon as a means of mitigation and adaptation to climate change | |
20 | Development of integrated prediction and assessment method of coastal benthic ecology and geoenvironmental dynamics | |
21 | Cross-sectional observation and analysis of atmospheric and oceanographic issues at bay mouths | |
22 | Analytical study of macro-organisms dynamics on a coastal ecosystem simulation | |
23 | Development of evaluating procedure for biodiversity referring to spatial scale in coastal areas | Find out more |
24 | Study on the mechanisms of coastal current and water environment using data assimilation | |
25 | Observation of coastal geographical feature change and malfunction of sedimentation control system in considered with influence of global warming | |
26 | Study on sediment transport in estuary and deposition process in navigation channel | Find out more |
27 | Study on applicability of airborne laser bathymetry for topographic monitoring in coastal zone of sea shore |