Rich ecosystems in coastal zones include tidal flats, eelgrass meadows, and coral reefs, the coastal zones are valuable places for the global environment. However, during high economic growth period, intense socio-economic activities caused the deterioration of water quality especially in coastal inner bays and enclosed waters, resulting in ecosystem damage. Thanks to subsequent countermeasures, water quality has gradually been improving in some coastal zones; however, recovery of the coastal zone environment including ecosystems remains a formidable challenge. Meanwhile, there are new challenges looming, including the need to utilize the coastal zone functions to alleviate climate change and to address the issue of large-scale oil spills from coastal industrial complexes, etc. Therefore, we are focusing on activities to help restore the coastal environment, alleviate climate change, and develop technologies to better deal with large-scale oil spills. The greenhouse gas absorption effect (blue carbon) of coastal ecosystems and propose measures to effectively utilize this function. In addition, we will also develop a system to predict the water environment in Tokyo Bay and Ise Bay using real-time data, such as the occurrence of red and blue tides. Furthermore, we will be developing a next-generation oil recovery system for use by the oil recovery fleet owned by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure,Transport and Tourism, along with a new technology to deal with oil spills from coastal industrial complexes, etc. that are caused by earthquakes and tsunami.
For our research on examining the previously developed global dynamics model for predicting the rate of carbon dioxide absorption and flood suppression effects in shallow coastal areas, we are verifying the model by comparing its calculation results with the observed carbon dynamics data, while consolidating and improving its sub-models that simulate the elements constituting the related processes (wave model, topography and seabed sediment model, and ecological model).
For our initiative to create coastal topography and geo-designs that would facilitate both disaster mitigation and ecological environment preservation, we have consolidated all the knowledge and insights that have been obtained thus far and are in the process of creating and proposing coastal topography and geo-designs as described above that will be conducive to mitigating disasters that could be caused by various types of dynamic external forces in coastal areas while promoting biodiversity.
For our research on techniques to improve the functions of eelgrass meadow ecosystems, we are examining methods of maintaining and restoring eelgrass meadows while studying model cases from the Seto Inland Sea, etc. In addition, we are evaluating the function of eelgrass meadows as feeding grounds by conducting experiments involving seagrass-inhabiting fauna to observe their feeding behavior, etc.
For our research and development on techniques for mitigating oil pollution, we are improving our network-adaptive oil movement prediction system. In addition, we are conducting experiments to enhance the function of bubble curtains in terms of their oil collection characteristics, etc., studying the feasibility of implementing bubble curtains on environment management vessels, and examining techniques for extracting oil from sunken vessels.
For our research on examining a global dynamics model for predicting the rate of carbon dioxide absorption and flood suppression effects in shallow coastal areas, we developed and examined our global carbon circulation and ecosystem model and wave and topography model, while continuously gathering related topographical and ecological data and performing analysis using GIS. In addition, we conducted on-site observations and experiments related to carbon dynamics in large-scale seaweed farm, performed numerical model analyses, and prepared a report summarizing the results. Furthermore, we conducted a trial operation of the new carbon credit scheme (J-Blue Credit) and published the crediting scheme guidance, which is a joint project between the Japan Blue Economy Association (JBE) and the MLIT.
Ecological distribution and cross-sectional
topography of the model site
For the creation of coastal topography and geo-designs that would promote both disaster mitigation and ecological environment preservation, we have created and proposed our coastal topography and geo-designs as described above that can help mitigate disasters that could be caused by various types of dynamic external forces in coastal areas while promoting biodiversity, based on our consolidated knowledge and insights obtained thus far.
For the monitoring and analysis of atmospheric and oceanographic environments that typically exist at bay mouths, we started conducting atmospheric monitoring that involves continuous observation and measurement of the atmosphere using small sensors that had been developed by the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC). Meanwhile, we have been continuously conducting oceanographic monitoring that involves observation of oceanic flows and water quality. In this connection, we have analyzed massive amounts of data obtained over the years related to Tokyo Bay and examined the complex 3-D flows and water quality components that occur at its bay mouth.
For the numerical examination of how aquatic ecosystems respond to changes in their environments, we have used the numerical simulation model that had been developed by the previous year to perform another analysis of past data on Ise and Mikawa Bays in order to evaluate the impact of the environmental changes on their topographical and influx load changes as well as how the changes in water quality there were affected.
For the development of techniques to improve the functions of eelgrass meadow ecosystems, we studied the Seto Inland Sea, etc. as a model case and organized the data indicating the environmental conditions of eelgrass meadows and the degree of ease with which their seeds could be introduced in the region to evaluate more effective eelgrass restoration methods (environmental improvement or transplant). In addition, for the development of methods to evaluate the function of eelgrass meadows as feeding grounds, we conducted an investigation applying environmental DNA techniques along with a feeding experiment involving the fauna that inhabit eelgrasses, and evaluated eelgrass meadows for their feeding ground function.
For the elucidation of oceanic flows and water quality conditions in coastal areas through data assimilation, we analyzed the results of year-round data assimilation that used actual water temperature and salt content data obtained from Ise Bay, and examined the differences that arose due to different assimilation techniques.
For the initiative to improve platforms for gathering and providing coastal information applicable to major inner bays, we started wave monitoring at the mouth of Tokyo Bay using 4K high-resolution imaging technology. In addition, we started developing a new output platform for distributing information obtained from biodiversity databases, coastal inundation maps, Tokyo Bay statistics, data observed by ferries, etc.
For the research and development of new techniques that can be used to prevent and remove various oil spills caused by natural disasters and other events, we have developed a web-based application system that can predict oil drifts using a web browser from any terminal connected to the internet. Meanwhile, for the development of a new oil recovery system, we are developing a system that collects oil by combining underwater bubble curtains and terminal ejectors for oil suction, which have no oil collection boom or oil recovery pump. The pertinent technologies applied in this system are registered or being registered as our intellectual property rights. In addition, to address the present phenomenon of drifting pumice clasts, we examined a pumice collection apparatus, partially utilizing the elements of the aforementioned oil recovery system.