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Characteristics Waves and Storm Surges Caused by the Typhoon 9918

Publication year Port and Airport Research Institute Technical Note 0969 2000.12
Author(s) Toshihiko NAGAI,Noriaki HASHIMOTO,Kazutoshi SATOH
Hydraulic Engineering Division Maritime Obsevation Laboratory
Executive Summary

 The Typhoon 9918 attacked western part of Japanese coasts such as Okinawa, Kyusyu, and the Seto-Inland Sea areas from 22nd to 24th of September 1999. Ports and coastal structures were suffered severe damages due to the storm surge and high waves caused by the typhoon.
 This report presents characteristics of the storm surge and coastal waves caused by the typhoon.
 They were observed through NOWPHAS (Nationwide Ocean Wave information network for Ports and HArboursS) and coastal tidal gauge stations owned by several organizations.
 Analyses are carried out in the report concerning to the following issues;
(1)Time history of the significant wave heights and perids at each NOWPHAS wave station,
(2)Frequency and directional spectra of the observed waves,
(3)Tidal levels and diflections

PDF File /en/pdf/en/no0969.pdf