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A Study on Spatial Characteristics of Open Spaces in Waterfront Areas by Observation on Acts of Users

Publication year Port and Airport Research Institute Technical Note 0877 1997.09
Author(s) Kaoru OKUDA,Toru KOBAYASHI,Toshiharu MURATA
Planning and Design Standard Division Senior Research Engineer
Executive Summary

Open spaces are basic facilities to realize amenity in waterfront areas. However, they aren't sufficiently designed considering the characteristics of being situated in waterfront areas. The purpose of this study is to clarify design points of open spaces in waterfront areas by grasping characteristics of acts of the users. To grasping them, we took films of the users in the open spaces with fixed video cameras and observed them.
 The mainly characteristics of the acts of the users which are gotten by the observations are as follows ;
 1)The acts of the users such as seeing, walking, touching and so on often have closely relation with the waters' edge.
 2)The acts such as sitting or lying are closely related to the undulation of the ground and the arrangement of plants.
 3)Flow lines of them are influenced by the arrangement of plants or street furniture, the inclination of the esplanade and the situation of the pavement.
 4)The place where they are liable to stay are at the corners and edges in the open spaces.
 5)When they look at the sea or seaside in a standing posture, they glance round for about 10 seconds. In a sitting posture, they stay for a long while and enjoy comfortable views of waterfront.

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