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Long Term Observation of the Mean Tide Level and Long Waves at the Kurihama-Bay

Publication year Port and Airport Research Institute Report 035-04-01 1996.12
Author(s) Toshihiro NAGAI,Kazuteru SUGAHARA,Hiroshi WATANABE,Koji KAWAGUCHI
Hydraulic Engineering Division Maritime Obsevation Laboratory
Executive Summary

This report introduced results of the analysis of the observed tide records at the Kurihama-Bay,(at the entrance of the Tokyo Bay),for 38 yeas between 1958 and 1995.
 Following results were clarified.
1.Annual mean tide level tends to increase during the 38 years. The mean sea level rise was about +2.03mm per year based on the Tokyo Bay mean sea level.
2.180 obvious long waves were observed. 4 cases of them were tsunami oscillations, including the 1960-Chile-Earthquake-Tsunami, The other cases were long waves caused by typhoons and severe low pressures.
3.Harmonic analysis of the observed tide records every one hour was conducted. As a result, yearly fluctuations of the amplitude of the 4 main components (M2,S2,K1 and O1) were small and stable.

PDF File /en/pdf/en/vol035-no04-01.pdf