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Analysis of tide gauge records and sea-level change around Japanese coast

Publication year Port and Airport Research Institute Report 031-03-02 1992.09
Author(s) Kazuo MURAKAMI,Kuniaki YAMADA
Marine hydrodynamics Division Sludge Treatment Laboratory
Executive Summary

Sea-level rise dur to global warming is apprehended by IPCC.The monitoring and the prediction of sea-level rise are obtained by the analyzing of tide gauge records. In the report, tidal level, atmospheric pressure, and sea-surface water temperature values are collected and analyzed in order to know the trend of sea-level change around Japan islands. The magnitude and the causes of the seasonal change of the sea-level are investigated.
 According to the results, the trend of long-term sea-level change since 1950 at the observation stations in the central and eastern parts of Japan shows the sea
-level rise of 1.5 to 1.8 mm/year, and the one in western part of Japan shows the sea-level falling of 1.0 mm/year. The seasonal change of monthly mean sea-level
is mainly caused by the seasonal variations of atmospheric pressure and seawater temperature.
 However, from the data collected here, the change rates of the annual mean atmospheric pressure and the annual mean seawater temperature are so small that they do not have an influence on the trend of long-term sea-level change around Japanese coast.

PDF File /en/pdf/en/vol031-no03-02.pdf