注水潤滑による高粘度油の輸送 Water injection lubrication for pipeline flow of high viscosity oil

海上に流出した重油や原油は波等の影響によりエマルションを形成します(乳化). エマルション化した油は粘度が高くなり,冬季など温度が低い場合はさらに粘性が高くなる傾向があります. 高粘土の油はポンプなどによる配送の際に管内摩擦損失によって,管のつまりや配送流量低下などの問題を引き起こします. 油回収に向かった油回収船が短時間で回収油を陸揚げできるかは,その後の油回収効率化に大きく影響します.


When heavy oil spills onto the sea surface, it forms a water-in-oil (W/O) emulsion due to the action of ocean waves. This type of emulsion exhibits very high viscosity, which is problematic for pipeline transfer. It can impede flow rate and even cause clogs in the pipeline, thereby reducing the efficiency of oil recovery efforts. The viscosity of the W/O emulsion is a critical factor in determining the effectiveness of oil recovery methods.

To overcome this challenge, we have explored the use of a water injection method. With this method, a small amount of water is injected into the W/O emulsion pipeline flow. The injected water forms a thin film around the inner surface of the pipe, reducing friction loss and facilitating the transfer of the emulsion through the pipeline. Our findings suggest that this approach has the potential to significantly improve the efficiency of oil recovery operations, particularly when dealing with high-viscosity W/O emulsions.

図 油の管内輸送に関する最適注水量 Water injection minimizing friction loss


藤田勇・松崎義孝:W/Oエマルジョンを形成した水-重油系の流動特性と管摩擦損失の制御手法に関する研究,港湾空港技術研究所 報告,Vol.52, No.4, pp.75-103, 2013



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