油回収装置等の効率的な維持管理 Economical control and maintenance of oil recovery equipments

油回収装置等の効率的な維持管理 Economical control and maintenance of oil recovery equipments

国土交通省では大型の油回収船と小型の環境整備船を有しており,いざというときに油回収作業を行います. 私たちは油回収装置等の効率的な維持管理に関する研究を行っています.

MLIT operates 3 large-scale vessels and ten and more debris sweeping vessels for oil spill response purpose. We are conducting research and development on their maintenace techniques.

船体汚染防除に関する研究開発 Decontamination and antifouling of oil recovery vessel

油回収船による油回収事業を実施していく上で、油を回収するための性能自体が最も重要ですが、 それと同時に,油回収作業は当然費用を要するものですので,コストパフォーマンスのより良い油回収作業を行うことが求められます. 油回収船は油が漂流している海域で活動するため,船体をはじめ油回収資機材が油の汚染を被ることは避けられません. 油回収船および油回収装置の除染・防汚技術は,海洋環境への二次的被害を防ぎ,経済的な油回収事業を行うために,非常に重要です.

The performance of oil recovery vessels is the most important factor in oil recovery operations, but at the same time, oil recovery operations are costly, and therefore, cost-effective oil recovery operations are required. Since oil recovery vessels operate in the oil drifting waters, it is inevitable that their hulls and other oil recovery equipment and materials will be contaminated by oil. Decontamination and antifouling technologies for oil recovery vessels and oil recovery equipment are very important to prevent secondary damage to the marine environment and to conduct oil recovery operations economically.


油回収に出動した後の油回収船の汚れと,油汚染除去作業. Contamination after oil recovery mission and its decontamination procedure
水膜法による防汚の実験 Water film antifouling experiment

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